Erik Osheim receives community award


We are pleased to announce that the Phil Bagwell Memorial Scala Community Award for 2016 has been awarded to Erik Osheim. The award was presented in Lake District, UK at Scala World 2016.

Erik is known to Scala users as:

  • creator of Spire, a leading library for numerics in Scala
  • creator of other tools and libraries such as kind-projector (a compiler plugin for type lambdas) and jawn (a very fast JSON parser)
  • leader of the Cats project, which provides abstractions for functional programming in Scala (“cats” being short for “category”, as in category theory)
  • cofounder of Typelevel, a Scala community organization dedicated to furthering pure, typeful functional programming in Scala
  • a friendly and tireless conference-goer and presenter

Erik’s 2015 Scala World presentation, “Principles for approachable, modular, functional libraries” (slides, video) is a classic on the subject of open-source library design, not only from a technical perspective, but with attention to how software communities and ecosystems operate.

The Bagwell Award is named in honor of Phil Bagwell, who passed away in 2012. In a 2012 blog post, Martin Odersky remembers Phil and his special place in the Scala community.

Past winners of the award: