Blog - 13

Tribulations of CanBuildFrom

Julien Richard-Foy

What's new with Scala Native?

Martin Duhem, Guillaume Massé and Denys Shabalin

Scastie is out of beta and available to everybody!

Guillaume Massé

Introducing Skala: A New Vision for Dotty

Jon Pretty

Scala Native v0.1 is here!

Denys Shabalin

Spark/Scala MOOC + Capstone Project Now Live on Coursera!

Heather Miller

Scala 2.13 roadmap

Adriaan Moors

Scala 2.13 Collections Rework

Stefan Zeiger

Refactor with scalafix v0.3

Ólafur Páll Geirsson

Google Summer Of Code 2017

Julien Richard-Foy